July was a busy month! These are all backwards but I am too lazy to put them in the right order! (Give me a break at least there are pictures!)
These first few are of the annual Buck Family Camping Trip. This year we went to Mill Creek again (thank goodness).
The other mommies all went on the boat and left the babies with the daddies (I guess I wasn't invited, I dunno) so I shared my Oreo's with them! I know how to get babies to like me! This is Estella and her Oreo! Yummy!!
Ryssa!! Cheese!!
Nathan skiing.
Logan got in a little bit of a hurry and slipped in the boat. He split his chin open but barely cried at all. As soon as we got it bandaged up he was all smiles again.
2 boys + 2 GIANT marshmallows = 1 great big mess! But they sure were happy!!
Isaac trying to learn to ride a 2 wheeler! There isn't anywhere around our house for them to learn so they rarely get the chance to try. Emilee learned how to ride without training wheels this spring and Kenna (after being chicken to try) can kind of ride without training wheels!
Logan got sick when we got up there. He had a pretty high fever most of the weekend. It got high enough that he was hallucinating. He told me that giant stink bugs were coming and that there was lava by the door of the 5th wheel. He was worried about how Papa was going to get over the lava! It was kinda funny. He swears to this day that there was lava there!
4th of July!! Emilee learned how to do a cartwheel. She was so excited. She had been practicing for a long time!
Nathan bouncing the kids on the trampoline. They liked seeing who bounced the highest. Now that I see how high they were going I am wondering what I was thinking letting them do that! Someone could have been really hurt!!
Kenna was doing 'flips' on the trampoline but landing on her butt. I told her that all she needed to do was put her feet down and she would land it. She tried it and it worked! She landed on her feet first try! She thought it was awesome and now I have tons of pictures of her flipping on the tramp!
One weekend I took Sadie and Logan and we went camping with my mom and dad. I don't think I can really call it camping the way they do it but i prefer it to the usual camping we do!
Sadie in the 5th wheel. I love the grin on her face!
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