Friday, April 25, 2008


I was giving Logan a bath this morning and he kept telling me 'bubbles', so I went and got the bubbles and blew them at him. He loved it. It was such a good picture moment.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Emilee's time-out

Emilee takes forever and a day to get dressed for her morning kindergarten class. I was tired of nagging her to get dressed just about everyday since school started back in August so I told her that if she didn't get dressed she would stay home from school and sit in time out all day. After over an hour she still wasn't dressed so I sat her on a chair and she stayed home from school. I guess the chair was boring because she fell asleep! She says she has learned her lesson and she will get dressed quickly from now on. I will believe it when I see it.

Curly Sue

Emilee has always wanted curly hair like her cousin Niyah and her Aunt Hayley. She asked me for about 2 months to curl her hair but I kept telling her I didn't have time because she has such thick hair, it would take a long time. I finally did it on Sunday before church (it's a good thing we have late church because it took me over an hour to curl). She loved it and insisted that I take pictures. Too bad it only lasted about 4 hours and then the curl was pretty much gone! It was cute while it lasted!

A Wedding!!

A Wedding!

Kaleb and Adrienne were married April 12, 2008 in the Idaho Falls temple! It was a great day and they are so cute together. It made me think back 10 1/2 years ago to my own wedding and I realized that it was all a big blur. I forgot about alot until I sat down and looked at my wedding scrapbook. I am glad I made my scrapbook so that I don't forget some of the details.

Tea Party

Mandy and Niyah decided to have a tea party for their birthdays. We had clear tea (sprite) and brown tea (diet pepsi), finger sandwiches, and crumpets. Rachael made a really cute teapot cake. The little girls played games like 'Put the Lid On the Teapot', "Scoop the Cottonballs Out of the Teapot', and balanced books on their heads.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Logan Easter

This is the one picture I got on Easter morning. He does not hold still for very long!

Isaac Easter

Emi Easter

Kenna Easter

This is not McKenna's original Easter dress. She managed to rip the Easter dress I bought for her before we even went to church. This is a dress from last summer.

Kids Easter

Egg Hunt

Katseans and Logan. Logan didn't care about finding the eggs, all he wanted to do was run! Katseans just looked at the eggs like she wasn't sure she should pick them up.

Egg Hunt

At the Easter egg hunt in Firth. Papa and Logan.

Bumps and Bruises

This is what happens when you fall off of a couch onto a cement floor! This happened mid-January and he STILL has a bump on his head.

Family Picture

This is our latest family picture. Aren't my babies adorable!