Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Riddle for Today!

Here is a fun riddle for today!
What do you get when you send a 3 year old and a 2 year old to their room?

Notice the pile of clothes behind the crib...
And the empty drawers!
Isaac and Logan had been feeding off of each other all day. They were into everything and on top of everything and being just plain obnoxious! They were driving me crazy while I was cooking dinner. Logan kept climbing up the cupboards next to the stove and Isaac kept pulling stuff out of my kitchen drawers and playing in the ice dispenser in the fridge. So, I sent them to their room until dinner was done. It was only about 5 minutes because (I am kinda ashamed to admit) I was only making Mac'n'Cheese and Hot Dogs. By the time dinner was ready and I called them to come out of their room this was the damage. The moral of the story is, don't send a 2 year old and a 3 year old to the same room at the same time. Unless it is a padded room with nothing in it!

Another Cool Do!

I got a ton of compliments for this hairdo so I took pics of it after church and decided to post it. I wanted to do the wormy things with all of the ponytail but McKenna would have none of it. She hates bobby pins in her hair and this one takes alot of them. Oh well, it turned out really cute anyway.

Afroggie and Charlie

We went from having no pets to having 2 within a few days! We got Charlie, a dog, from Hayley and Aaron. He is the dog in the Spud Day pictures. And, while we were at Spud Day, there was a booth where you could win a frog. We let Isaac do it and now we also have a little frog. I thought the frog would die within a week but he is still kickin' after a week and a half! Isaac named him Afroggie. I know, it is original! Hahahaha!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Spud Day

Spud Day has come and gone for another year. Gotta love Spud Day. The kids got a ton of candy at the parade. I'm talkin' they over-flowed a gallon sized plastic bag. It was fun this year.
This is my family and Matt's family.
Isaac is not into loud noises so Matt found some earphones in his Durango and gave them to Isaac to wear.
Then it started to rain. And I mean great big raindrops. That didn't stop Emi and Kenna from going to get candy though.
Here we are trying to get out of the rain.
Okay, so when you go to a parade they throw candy right!?! Well, I got the coolest things ever at this years parade. A zucchini and a bar of soap. You read right. A zucchini and a bar of soap! It is awesome and I know you are jealous of my bar of soap!

My New Hobby!

I found a site online that gives instructions on how to make hair bows. Now that is what I do when Logan is napping in the afternoons! They are so much fun to make! The only problem is my girls are starting to get to old for bows. Especially McKenna. Oh well. At least I have nieces that will wear them!

Ignore the messy hair. This pic was taken after school.

This one is my favorite one that I have made.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another HUH?

Blogger did it again! I posted something and it posted it under the wrong date. What is the deal with that? The "Free to Good Home" was actually posted on the 16th not the 12th. Oh well. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Free to Good Home

Free to Good Home
2 boys, one 3 years old, one 2 years old
3 year old is house trained (by that I mean he goes in the bathroom but doesn't always aim for the toilet!), 2 year old is not
both like to push mom's buttons, make messes, climb, and draw on themselves
they don't like cleaning up, listening to mom, or sitting still
I am so ready to give them away today! They colored themselves with marker! And not washable marker either. I only allow washable markers in my house so I don't know where the markers came from! Grrrr.... All I know is that they were in the girl's room. And they didn't just get themselves, McKenna's comforter got it too.
After I cleaned that mess up and threw the markers away I realized the boys were missing in action again. This time they found McKenna's make-up case. I don't usually allow make-up either but I made an exception because a friend gave her a really cute make-up kit and case for her birthday. Never again! No matter how cute it is! Isaac painted Logan's toes. Not just toenails, but toes!
See. Logan is turning purple!
Doesn't he look innocent? Well, he most certainly is not!

Happy 11th!

Happy Anniversary Honey!!
Nathan and I got married on September 12, 1997. 11 years and 4 kids later we are still together and we still love each other. Wierd!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

Can you see the bald spot? Let me explain...
Isaac and Logan were in our bedroom with Nathan (first red flag), Nathan was busy doing who knows what with an old gun of his dad's, (second red flag - this means could only see the gun and only hear the gun). Is that a man thing or a Buck thing? Probably a combination of both which means he is worst than most! Anyway, back to the story. I could hear the boys playing in our bathroom, obviously Nathan couldn't hear them, he could only hear the gun. But he did hear me stomping down the hall to find out why the boys were playing in the bathroom. He grabbed the boys before I got there and said they were playing in the bathtub so I looked to see what they had played in and saw hair in the bottom of the bathtub and my razor moved. Yep! Isaac decided to shave Logan's hair. Now most people would just shave his head to make it even but I can't do that! I love Logan's hair. So he (and by he I mean I) has to live with it until it grows out enough that I can cut his hair a little bit and hide the bald spot. At least it was just a little spot and at least it wasn't the girls hair! All I can do is laugh! Right?!?

Monday, September 8, 2008

This is for Kenna

Kenna has been letting me try fun hair-do's on her lately. If you know McKenna you know that she hates having her hair done so it is a big deal that she doesn't throw a fit when I do anything besides straightening it or putting in a headband. Anyway, she always has me take pictures of them so she can see them better. Now she is bugging me to put them up on my blog so these pics are put up just for her. This one took a while to figure out but it looks awesome! I don't think it will be as hard the next time I try it.
This one we decided looked like fireworks. It looked really cool. We have to remember it for the 4th of July next year.

Kenna has always wanted curly hair and I achieved it for one day. She loved this do.
This is the back view. I always wanted my hair to look like that. It never did, no matter what I did. I know, it is a sad story. It's okay, I got over it.

The Fair

We took the boys to the fair in Blackfoot last Friday. The girls didn't get to go because they didn't get their room clean in the three chances they got. I know, I am the meanest mom ever but what was I supposed to do? Anyway, the boys had fun in the petting zoo and I thought I would share some pics from that.

OK, so this Emu was sitting there and there were 3 high school boys standing around it(I'm talking juniors or seniors here). The high school boys were afraid to touch the Emu so they just stood there daring each other to touch it. Well, Isaac walked up to it, got about 2 inches from its face, stared it in the eyes for a few seconds, and then grabbed it around the neck and shook it! Then he just walked away like nothing happened! It was hilarious!! The high school boys were shown up by a 3 year old. They still wouldn't go touch it after Isaac did that. They thought he was funny though.