Friday, September 17, 2010

Logan and Sadie

Logan and Sadie both had birthdays in August.
Logan turned 4 on August 28th. Logan, Logan, Logan... Logan is a boy, and I think that is all that needs to be said. He is such a boy! He loves his dad and hates it when dad isn't home. Which makes it hard for mom when dad is at work. Anyway, Logan Stephen Buck was born August 28th, 2006 at 7:30ish a.m. (my last three were all really close to the same time so I get confused. That is what you get with scheduled c-sections!) He weighed 7lbs. or 7lbs. 1 oz. depending on which crib card you looked at and 19" long. He was a blondie from the start and had the most hair of any of my kids. He is such a little charmer! He has the cutest little personality and everyone wants to take him home with them but I am sure they would bring him back after not very long!! They just don't know the real Logan!! They only see the Prince Charming side! He is Isaac's little shadow and it is fun to have a little time with Logan while Isaac is at school but Logan sure is excited everyday when it is time to go get Isaac!! He is just starting to play with Sadie and it is so cute when he gets her to laugh! He gets so excited and she just laughs more! It is a good thing he is so cute because his antics sometimes drive me crazy!!

My Bug is now 1!
Sadianne Ray Buck was born August 31st 2009 at 7:something a.m. (I could go look but I don't wanna!) She was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and almost 20" long. The traumatic story of her birth is already in this blog and I don't wish to relive it (I already went through the trauma of Kenna so that is all I can take in one day). If you want to read about then go back to September of last year and the story is there. Sadie is such a sweet baby!! She is generally happy and by far my best eater and sleeper!! She sleeps all night and has since about 9 months which is way earlier than any of my other kids! And she naps really well also, as long as the other kids are semi-quiet! She loves to eat and will eat anytime food is offered but she doesn't look like it! She is skinny just like my other kids. She is finally starting to think that learning to walk might not be so bad. She will take one step and see if anyone is watching. If she doesn't think anyone is watching she will sit down and crawl. If some is watching she will grin and try to take another step. She loves to give kisses and is a little dare devil. She loves to climb things and be thrown around by dad. Sadie is a talker and says alot of words. A few of my favorites are "I want it", "Want some", "Go" (which she says when she wants to go somewhere), "Outside". She says no-no but that is not one of my favorites! Her newest word is "pretty" which she learned while I was painting her toenails and fingernails yesterday. I don't know what I would do without her sweet smile in our house everyday!! She can always make me smile!!!
We ♥ you Logan and Sadie!!

August 2010

The kids started school again on the 25th of August (Isaac actually started the 26th).
Isaac started Kindergarted!! He was so excited! He is in Mrs. Harshbarger's Morning class and he loves going to school! He is like Kenna in that it is easy to get him up and ready for school. His hair is in a mohawk because that is what he asked for. I went to buzz his head a couple of weeks before school started and he said he wanted a mohawk so I gave him one. He loves it and is afraid I am going to cut it off everytime I shave the sides down.

Emilee is in 3rd grade this year and is in Mrs. Johnson's class. She is still kind of a pain to get up in the morning but not quite as bad as last year (most of the time). Can you believe how long her hair is getting? She loves it!!

McKenna is in 6th grade!! She has homeroom on Mrs. Poole's class, ummm... she has Mr. Esplin for something (haha, I am not quite sure what, I think Spelling though), and someone else for Math... Man, I am a good mom!! I know what I am asking her when she gets home!!

We actually planted a garden this year and we loved it!! Beans, peas, banana squash, crook neck squash, carrots, radishes, strawberries, cucumbers, and oodles of zucchini!! It was awesome and I think we will try to make it bigger next year.

Kenna's Birthday

My little girl turned 11 on July 28th! I can't believe it! The time is going too fast! Here is the story...

McKenna Fawn Buck was born July 28, 1999 at 6:32 a.m. She weighed 6lbs. 5 oz. and was 19" long. When she came out she had a death grip on the umbilical cord and wouldn't let go of it. She was such a sweet baby! She was very calm and content as long as she was fed, clean, and had her plug (pacifier). Kenna was the first Grandchild on my side of the family so she was spoiled rotten! Papa gave her the nickname of Sweetpea, and he still calls her that and she loves it! When Kenna was about 7 or 8 months old she started getting sick and just couldn't seem to get any better. We had her to the doctor multiple times. She would seem to get better for a few days and then it would all come back. Coughing, stuffy nose, red eyes, fever... She just wouldn't get 100% better. A few days before her first birthday she got really bad. She was coughing uncontrollably, extremely pale, it seemed like she couldn't breath... It was kinda scary. I took her to the doctor and he admitted her to the hospital. This was when we learned that she had asthma. Her doctor said that they rarely diagnose kids that young with asthma so they called it Reactive Airway Disease, but he was 99% sure she had asthma. While it was scary to learn that she really was sick, it was also a relief to know that it was treatable and she would get better, eventually. She spent her 1st birthday in the hospital. In March of 2001 she was back in the hospital again. And then in May of the same year she was life-flighted to Primary Children's Medical Center in Utah. That was one of the scariest times in my life. She spent 3 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and then 2 days after that she was released. Since then she hasn't needed any hospitalizations but has been really close to it a few times. A few doctors have told me that she could outgrow her asthma but I don't think that is going to happen. It has stayed pretty much the same since she was a baby and I think if it was going to get any better it would show improvement by now. Oh well, we have learned to live with it and we know how to manage it.

Kenna has a split personality some days. She can be the sweetest girl when she wants to be. She can be a big help to me or, sometimes the other personality shows and her attitude pops out! And, boy does she have attitude!! I guess I knew it was coming eventually but I am not ready for it! She loves her siblings and she gets along with them most of the time. I am looking forward to her getting old enough to babysit for me!! And so is she!

She has been begging us for a dog for a long time so she got one for her birthday from Nana and Papa (with approval from Mom and Dad). Her name is Annie and she is a Lab/something mix.
We ♥ you Kenna!!

July 2010

July was a busy month! These are all backwards but I am too lazy to put them in the right order! (Give me a break at least there are pictures!)
These first few are of the annual Buck Family Camping Trip. This year we went to Mill Creek again (thank goodness).The other mommies all went on the boat and left the babies with the daddies (I guess I wasn't invited, I dunno) so I shared my Oreo's with them! I know how to get babies to like me! This is Estella and her Oreo! Yummy!! Ryssa!! Cheese!!

Nathan skiing.

Kaleb wakeboarding.
Logan got in a little bit of a hurry and slipped in the boat. He split his chin open but barely cried at all. As soon as we got it bandaged up he was all smiles again.

2 boys + 2 GIANT marshmallows = 1 great big mess! But they sure were happy!!
Isaac trying to learn to ride a 2 wheeler! There isn't anywhere around our house for them to learn so they rarely get the chance to try. Emilee learned how to ride without training wheels this spring and Kenna (after being chicken to try) can kind of ride without training wheels!
One weekend I took Sadie and Logan and we went camping with my mom and dad. I don't think I can really call it camping the way they do it but i prefer it to the usual camping we do! Sadie in the 5th wheel. I love the grin on her face!
Logan got sick when we got up there. He had a pretty high fever most of the weekend. It got high enough that he was hallucinating. He told me that giant stink bugs were coming and that there was lava by the door of the 5th wheel. He was worried about how Papa was going to get over the lava! It was kinda funny. He swears to this day that there was lava there!

Kenna on a horse ride with Nathan, Grandpa, and Riley.

4th of July!! Emilee learned how to do a cartwheel. She was so excited. She had been practicing for a long time!
Nathan bouncing the kids on the trampoline. They liked seeing who bounced the highest. Now that I see how high they were going I am wondering what I was thinking letting them do that! Someone could have been really hurt!!

Me and my Sweetie!

Kenna was doing 'flips' on the trampoline but landing on her butt. I told her that all she needed to do was put her feet down and she would land it. She tried it and it worked! She landed on her feet first try! She thought it was awesome and now I have tons of pictures of her flipping on the tramp!

All of us at the parade. I don't wanna name everyone. You know who you are and if you don't then that isn't my problem!!

It was COLD at the parade! It warmed up later in the day but waiting for the parade to start was cold and miserable!!

Sadie and Isaac in the pool we bought for Sadie.

I ♥ the look on Bug's face in this picture! She totally loves the water!!


At the Tauphus Park Zoo with Rachael and some of her kids.
Riley, Sadie, Kenna, Niyah, Carter, and Emi.

Father's Day. Nathan with the kids. I love this picture.

My dad with the grandkids.

My Grandpa, Dad, and all the Grandkids!

The kids at Old Faithful on our yearly drive through Yellowstone Park. They love going and Isaac insisted that we wait and watch Old Faithful even though it was really cold and threatening to rain! He sat down and wouldn't move until he saw Old Faithful!