Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Biker Girl

Kenna has been nagging Papa since last summer for a motorcycle ride. He finally gave in this year but her helmet was up at their fifth wheel in Island Park. So she waited patiently until he could bring it home and take her for a ride. I was a little nervous because I am not a big fan of motorcycles but I didn't want to say no and upset her so here she is. She said it was fun and she wants to go again.

She looks so little on the motorcycle.

Friday, June 20, 2008

More Slip n Slide



This is what happens when you give two year olds Push Pops. I think they enjoyed them though.

Slip n Slide






The kids and I went up to spend the day at Grandma's house while Nathan was working on Hayley and Aaron's house. Melissa and her kids were there, and we called Rachael and she brought over her kids. We set up the Slip n Slide for the kids to play on and I got some great pictures.

My Little Guitar Hero

Isaac loves to "play" Guitar Hero with Daddy. We give him a PS2 guitar while Nathan plays on the Wii. Isaac thinks he is really playing and really gets into it. I decided to get a video. I missed the best part but it is hilarious!! Notice at the end how he looks at his hands to see if he is doing the 'rock' sign right (he's not, he is doing 'i love you'). Enjoy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Logan's cage

We went down to my Grandpa Goodson's house for a visit and Logan found a new place to play. This is their dog's cage and Logan climbed right in and shut the door. I wanted to bring it home so I could stick him in it!


These are the grandkids from my side of the family. (My kids and Matt's kids) From left to right, Katseans, McKenna, Kenadie, Isaac, Madyson, Emilee, Caleb, and Logan.

Baby Desmond

Congrats to Lonny and Melissa Fullmer! Their baby boy, Desmond Irvin Fullmer, was born on June 5.
He weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.


We decided, as we were driving by one day, to take the kids to Tauphus Park Zoo. We didn't have the stroller or the leash but we braved it anyway. Isaac was perfect! He stayed with us the entire time, and those of you who know Isaac know how amazing that is. Logan was pretty good. He liked to run but with Isaac being so good it was fairly easy to keep up with him. Kenna liked the flamingos because two of them kept fighting and she decided that they must be brother and sister flamingos! Logan was enthralled by the monkeys that sat right in front of the windows. We went to the animal encounters show and Isaac wanted to bring home all of the animals they showed, including the snake! After the show Kenna, Emi, and Isaac all petted the snake. Logan wanted to but I didn't trust him not to grab it (and I didn't want to get that close to it!).