Friday, December 4, 2009

Another Thanksgiving

Gotta love it when you get to have 2 Thanksgiving dinners! Since Matt's family and my family weren't around on Thanksgiving my Mom decided to Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday after! More yummy turkey, mashed potatoes, frog eye salad, pumpkin pie, etc. Katseans and Uncle Stephen
Matt, Katseans, and Katt. I think they ate too much Turkey!

Papa and Sadie! Awww.... Sweet! She sure does love her Papa!

Baby Ella

Nathan's brother Kaleb and his wife Adrienne finally had their baby on Thanksgiving. She was 5 days late but worth the wait! She is adorable!
Estella Jonquil Buck
8 lbs. 6 oz. 21 inches
That makes 4 new baby girls this year on the Buck side. Karissa (Hayley and Aaron's baby) was born April 1, Kyri (Rachael and Steve's baby) on August 26, Sadie (of course she is ours) on August 31, and now Ella on November 26.


Nathan was supposed to work on Thanksgiving, but ended up with the whole day off at the last minute so we went up to his parents house for dinner. Yum-o! Gotta love Thanksgiving dinner!
Emilee the Toothless Wonder! We often wonder about her!

Weird Aunt Hayley! We love her anyway!

Logan. Probably asking if he can play the Wii.

Don't ask, don't tell.

My sweetie! She is so freakin' adorable! Gotta love this girl!

More Sadie

A couple of weeks ago I decided to try and get some good pictures of Sadie. Well, this is a typical photo shoot. We start out crying...
Then she falls asleep...
And when she finally wakes up...
We get smiles!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sadie's Blessing

What a happy girl!

Isn't my baby gorgeous!

Sadie's Great Grandma Goodson made her blessing dress. I love it! Thanks a bunch Grandma! We love you!

Sadie, Karissa, and Kyri

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Isaac loves his baby sister! Both Logan and Isaac are very protective of her. My mom took her to her house for a minute the other night and Isaac about had a cow! He kept saying that Nana can't take her and she needed to bring Sadie back. It was really cute and he looked visibly relieved when Nana brought her back!

Isn't she precious!! This is one of the first smiles I was able to catch in a picture. This was taken on her 6 week birthday (10/12).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2 Weeks and 3 Weeks

One of these days I will remember that the pictures keep going in backwards and get it right. Anyway, these are Sadie's 2 week old and almost 3 week old pictures.
This is at 19 days old.This is 2 weeks old. She went to her 2 week visit and she weighed 6 lbs. 14.5 oz. which is almost back up to her birthweight. Her jaundice is much better (after being in a bili-bed for 2 days) and she was 19 1/2 inches long. My other kids are completely in love with her and ask all the time if they can hold her. Logan will only hold her for a minute before he says he is done but the other kids would hold her all day if I let them. Emilee won't stop kissing her! I am afraid she will get Sadie sick with all the kisses.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sadie's Here!!

Sadianne Ray Buck was born Monday, August 31st, at 7:30 am. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. The pictures went in backwards again so the story may get a little out of order, sorry.

This is when we got her ready to go home after what seemed to be an extra long stay at the hospital. It was only 4 days but could have ended up being much longer.
Sadie with the IV in her scalp. Sad huh! It was in her arm but that one got infiltrated and they couldn't get another one in anywhere else so they stuck it in her head.

She ended up being breech and her foot popped out when the doc was expecting a head. Because of that, she took a breath before her head was out and inhaled a bunch of amniotic fluid. Not good! It took a while for her to actually cry (and it wasn't a very good cry either which scared me) and they took her to the nursery before i got a good look at her. That sucked! They had to suction all the fluid out of her lungs and then give her some oxygen and moist air under the oxygen tent. A while later the doctor noticed some signs of infection so they did a blood test for that and it turned out that her white blood count was high so they stuck an IV in her and started antibiotics. She was about 7 hours old before I got to see her and 12 1/2 hours old before I got to hold her. Those were some of the longest hours of my life. I kept sending Nathan in to check on her and give me updates. She stayed on the IV until we were ready to come home Thursday morning. The doctor said that if Nathan wasn't a nurse and he didn't trust us completely that she would have had to stay a few more days. But he let her come home on an oral antibiotic instead.

This is the last time anyone will have to see me looking like this! Thank goodness! I must say that after that c-section, if the decision hadn't already been made, I would have been done with the whole baby making business!! I felt EVERYTHING!! It didn't hurt, but I could feel them cutting, ripping, pulling, sewing, everything! And the spinal made me sick! It sucked, big time!! I haven't had a section feel like that before. In fact, I have never felt any of it before. Oh well, I am glad that it is all over with and we have our beautiful baby home with us!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Emilee started 2nd grade on the 19th. She was really excited to start school this year which really suprised me. School has never been her favorite thing to do. And, so far this year, she has been getting ready in the mornings pretty well. I haven't had to shove her out the door or get her dressed. But, she has only gone 4 days so far. I am crossing my fingers that she keeps it up though.
McKenna is in 5th grade this year and in Firth the 5th grade is in the Middle School. It is hard for me to say that I have a kid in Middle School! That makes me feel old! It is easier to say she is in 5th grade. Kenna was super excited to start school. She has always loved going to school for both the learning and the socializing and she was excited to be in the Middle School this year.

On another note... One week from today I will be going in to have the baby!! This evil pregnancy is finally almost over! We are all really excited to meet this last baby and I am super stoked to know that this pregnancy will end next week. Kenna keeps coming up to my belly and saying, "You can come out now Sadie!". While it would be nice to have her this week, and trust me I am not against having her this week, I really think she will wait until the doc goes in there for her. Anyway, stay tuned for updates and pics when she is born!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Finally Gave In...

For some strange reason the pics went in backwards but oh well. You get the end product first. McKenna has been bugging me for a couple of years now to cut her hair and I wouldn't let her because I love to play with her hair. Well, Emi decided that she wanted her hair grown out and it is long enough for me to play with now so I told Kenna that she could get her hair cut for school this year. Well, I decided that it needed cut NOW! I got impatient so I called my mom this morning and asked her to chop it off (sorry Hayley! You can style it when you get here!). I am thinking about giving her bangs too, what do you think?I LOVE IT! It is so cute and it makes her look older too! Don't worry, she loves it too!

This was supposed to be the first pic :( Oh well. You can tell from this pic that it needed trimmed anyway. We just took a little more off than a trim!

Friday, May 8, 2009

It Was Definitely Monday

It was definitely Monday this last Monday for me and I am gonna explain why. The day didn't start out too bad, Emi got ready for school pretty good (that rarely happens) and the boys sat down and watched cartoons. They were being good so I let them watch longer than I usually would. I usually shut off the cartoons at 11:00 but I let them watch until 2:00 (yes, I know I am a bad mom but that is my problem not yours!) then I made the day changing decision and shut off the cartoons. Bad idea. I had made cookies earlier and had accidentally left my cooking spray on the counter. (I know you can see where this one is going.) I was back in the bedroom folding laundry when I heard a weird sound that I couldn't quite place. I finished what i was folding and went out to the kitchen where the boys were spraying my cooking spray all over the kitchen! That stuff is a bugger to clean up! They said that they were cleaning. Hmmmm.... cleaning with cooking spray, kinda defeats the purpose don't ya think! Anyway, I sent them downstairs while I cleaned that up. Bad idea #2. *WARNING* This next episode may be a little more than some people can handle. Just remember that you didn't have to clean it up! Logan pooped on the floor downstairs! And that is not the worst of it! He played in it with some toys!! DISGUSTING!! The poop was spread everywhere! On himself, toys, the toy box, the couch, the floor, books, Kenna's Cinderella house, Emi's play vanity, the TV, like I said, it was EVERYWHERE! I ended up throwing away a bunch of poop covered barbies and books (I mean, get real, who wants to clean them up and then give them back to the kids to play with? Among the casualties was Kenna's Gabriella barbie. She was okay with throwing it away though! Smart girl!), and then cleaned and disinfected everything else (including the offender, Logan). When that job was finished I went back upstairs. (Yep, you guessed it, here comes another one.) Logan was at the table trying to get himself some cereal! (Just as a side note he was supposed to be in time out in his room!) He had a bowl with about 3 pieces of cereal in it but it was seriously full of milk! And the rest of the half gallon of milk was spilled everywhere else! Table, chair, floor! (It was our last gallon of milk too so now we had no milk to go with the cookies I had made earlier!) Again, Logan goes to his room for time out while mom cleans another mess. By this time I was exhausted! At least I got a break before yet another episode occurred. Yes, I said ANOTHER EPISODE! ( I told you it was Monday!) Apparently Isaac found some scissors that the girls had left out and we heard Isaac say that it time for a haircut. (You see where this is headed don't you. Maybe it doesn't happen quite like you think though.) Anyway, Nathan went and took the scissors from Isaac and we thought that was the end of that. WRONG! I was getting ready to lay Logan down to go to sleep and I noticed that there was hair all over his pajamas. (I put him in his pajamas after I showered him after the poop mess.) Upon further investigation I found 5 or 6 spots on his head where Isaac had given him a haircut! AGH!!!!!
At least it was bedtime and Monday was almost over! What a day! Let's hope that doesn't happen ever again! There are no pictures of the messes for a couple of reasons. #1 grease doesn't show up in pics very well, #2 poop, that is all I need to say about that, #3 at this point I was too mad to think straight and take pictures!
Hope your day is better than mine was!

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's a .......

I just got back from my ultrasound and we found out that at the end of the summer we will be welcoming into our family a baby...........
I am beyond thrilled! All Isaac had to say was, "I told you it wasn't a boy!". He has been telling us it was a girl for a long time. He would argue with us if we tried to tell him that it might be a boy. I guess we should have listened to him!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 33rd Nathan!!

Happy Birthday Honey!!
I love you!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Emi's 7th Birthday

So, it's been a while since I've posted anything. And it's been a while since Emi's actual birthday, but here are a couple of pictures anyway, and a little background on Emi.
Emilee Grace Buck was born on February 23, 2002 at 4:34 a.m.. She was my first baby born by c-section. When I had gone to the doctor a few days before I had her she was head down and ready to go, but when I got to the hospital after my water broke she had flipped and was breech. She also had the cord wrapped around her neck twice and around her shoulder! So off to the OR. She wasn't breathing after she was born but started breathing about a minute later. Thankfully, I don't remember that. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 inches long (I think). She also had a little scrape on her bum from the c-section. The doctor accidentally got her bum when he was cutting her out. That is what she gets for trying to come bum first.
Emi has always been, how do we put it, a very unique girl. (Yeah, unique is the nicest way to put it) She always has something off the wall to say. Like when we were sitting in Oakies one day. We were just sitting there enjoying our lunch when she got a very solemn look on her face, looked around and said, " I will be sad when this place burns down!". Or when were up in Island Park at my mom and dad's new fifth wheel and she came out of the bathroom with an amazed expression and said, "They even have toilet paper!". When asked what she wanted to be when she grew up she said, "A real princess." What a funny girl. She is always good for a laugh. She is also very hard-headed and stubborn. She is a pain to get up for school in the morning. She is not a morning person. And she would prefer to stay in her pajamas all day. She is very loving and loves to snuggle and give hugs. Since I haven't been feeling well lately she asks me almost everyday how I am feeling and if I say not very good then she sees if there is anything she can do to make me feel better. She is really sweet that way. She always wants to make people feel better and tries to do what she thinks will help, even if it is only coloring them a picture. Life would be kinda boring without Emi in our family to make us laugh, cry, groan, yell, and pull our hair out! We love you Emilee!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I haven't been feeling well lately so I have been laying on the couch alot, and the boys are getting away with alot of stuff they would normally get away with. One day last week I was laying on the couch as usual, and I realized that I hadn't heard from Logan in a while. I decided that he was downstairs watching TV so I let it go. 30 minutes later, when I still hadn't heard anything I yelled for him. He came running and said he was playing in my 'icing'. (I think he meant 'eye thing', but it sounded just like icing.) Who knew mascara went on your lips? At least it was old make-up and not the stuff I use. Silly boy!!

Doesn't he look innocent? Well, he definetly is not!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

What's New?

I changed something on my blog. No, it is not the background. I did change that recently, but there is something else! Who can figure it out?
Good Luck!!