It was definitely Monday this last Monday for me and I am gonna explain why. The day didn't start out too bad, Emi got ready for school pretty good (that rarely happens) and the boys sat down and watched cartoons. They were being good so I let them watch longer than I usually would. I usually shut off the cartoons at 11:00 but I let them watch until 2:00 (yes, I know I am a bad mom but that is my problem not yours!) then I made the day changing decision and shut off the cartoons. Bad idea. I had made cookies earlier and had accidentally left my cooking spray on the counter. (I know you can see where this one is going.) I was back in the bedroom folding laundry when I heard a weird sound that I couldn't quite place. I finished what i was folding and went out to the kitchen where the boys were spraying my cooking spray all over the kitchen! That stuff is a bugger to clean up! They said that they were cleaning. Hmmmm.... cleaning with cooking spray, kinda defeats the purpose don't ya think! Anyway, I sent them downstairs while I cleaned that up. Bad idea #2. *WARNING* This next episode may be a little more than some people can handle. Just remember that you didn't have to clean it up! Logan pooped on the floor downstairs! And that is not the worst of it! He played in it with some toys!! DISGUSTING!! The poop was spread everywhere! On himself, toys, the toy box, the couch, the floor, books, Kenna's Cinderella house, Emi's play vanity, the TV, like I said, it was EVERYWHERE! I ended up throwing away a bunch of poop covered barbies and books (I mean, get real, who wants to clean them up and then give them back to the kids to play with? Among the casualties was Kenna's Gabriella barbie. She was okay with throwing it away though! Smart girl!), and then cleaned and disinfected everything else (including the offender, Logan). When that job was finished I went back upstairs. (Yep, you guessed it, here comes another one.) Logan was at the table trying to get himself some cereal! (Just as a side note he was supposed to be in time out in his room!) He had a bowl with about 3 pieces of cereal in it but it was seriously full of milk! And the rest of the half gallon of milk was spilled everywhere else! Table, chair, floor! (It was our last gallon of milk too so now we had no milk to go with the cookies I had made earlier!) Again, Logan goes to his room for time out while mom cleans another mess. By this time I was exhausted! At least I got a break before yet another episode occurred. Yes, I said ANOTHER EPISODE! ( I told you it was Monday!) Apparently Isaac found some scissors that the girls had left out and we heard Isaac say that it time for a haircut. (You see where this is headed don't you. Maybe it doesn't happen quite like you think though.) Anyway, Nathan went and took the scissors from Isaac and we thought that was the end of that. WRONG! I was getting ready to lay Logan down to go to sleep and I noticed that there was hair all over his pajamas. (I put him in his pajamas after I showered him after the poop mess.) Upon further investigation I found 5 or 6 spots on his head where Isaac had given him a haircut! AGH!!!!!
At least it was bedtime and Monday was almost over! What a day! Let's hope that doesn't happen ever again! There are no pictures of the messes for a couple of reasons. #1 grease doesn't show up in pics very well, #2 poop, that is all I need to say about that, #3 at this point I was too mad to think straight and take pictures!
Hope your day is better than mine was!
Oh my goodness, I'm dying with empathy! I've soooo been there!!! I'm so sorry! The only thing we can do is laugh devilishly 25 years from now when they have children just like them!
WOW and I thought living with Kelly was alot of cleaning up... hehehehehe. That would have been the day you could have shipped him on over....
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