Thursday, August 28, 2008


I posted earlier for Logan's birthday and the date after I posted said August 20th!?! I promise it was posted today, August 28th.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Look Who's 2!!!

LOGAN'S 2!!!!
Today is Logan's 2nd birthday. It is so hard to believe that he is two years old already!
To give you an idea of what his personality is like just think of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde! Logan can be so sweet and loves to give me squeezes and kisses but the next minute he is doing something he knows he shouldn't be doing! My mom calls him 'Tsunami' because he gives no warning when he is into something and he leaves a trail of destruction behind him! One of Logan's greatest joys in life is teasing and tormenting his older brother. Logan loves to hit, sit on, and otherwise mess with Isaac. I can't say that Isaac enjoys it though, that is why Logan loves it so much!

Logan was born on August 28, 2006 at 7:25 a.m. via C-section. He weighed 7lbs. or 7 lbs. 1 oz. depending on which crib card you looked at (there were 2) and he was 19 1/2 inches long.

Logan on his blessing day! October 2006. He was such a sweet baby.

Logan and Katseans. Katseans is my brothers little girl. She is 4 days older than Logan. In this picture Logan is 6 days old and Katseans is 10 days old.

And this is Logan and Katseans today! This was taken on Katseans birthday, August 24. The only way I could get them to look at me was to have them stick out their toungues!

Back To School

It's back to school time!!
Today is the first day of school for the girls (I am typing with a huge a grin on my face!). McKenna starts the 4th grade and Emilee is now in 1st grade. That means - drum roll please - both girls are in school all day!! YAY!!
Some of you may remember my post last spring about Emi not getting ready for school in the mornings very well and having to stay home from school and sit on a chair. Well, I am happy to announce that this morning she got up before me and was ready to watch for the bus 30 minutes before she had too! It was amazing. I am not holding my breath though because I doubt that it will happen tomorrow! I live for mornings like this one. The only problem we had was Emi wanted to tie her own shoes. She learned how last night (I know she is 6 but we hadn't bought her shoes with laces until this year and it only took her 2 minutes to learn) and she is kinda slow at it and I am impatient. I was waiting to take pictures and I wanted to tie her shoes for her because she being typical Emi and taking her time. We compromised and she tied one while I tied the other!

"I Made Isaac!"

Isaac loves to practice writing his letters so I bought him a Spiderman book that helps him. My mom and I were helping the girls clean their room when we heard Isaac yell, "I made Isaac!". My mom told me she wrote his name for him so we assumed he had traced that because that is what he had always done. He traces the letters not writes them himself. A couple of minutes later I went upstairs and he told again that he wrote Isaac, so I went over to look and sure enough he wrote Isaac all by himself! His 's' looks like and 'o' and his 'c' is backwards but he is only 3 so I think he did pretty darn good! And he was pretty proud of himself! It is a good thing I took a picture because after that he colored all over where he had written his name and now you can barely see it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kenna's Haircut

Okay, so, McKenna has been begging me to let her cut her hair for a couple of years now but I couldn't do it. Her hair is long, straight, and gorgeous! Just like I always wanted. I had the straight thing down but it wasn't a pretty straight, it was a crazy straight! Well, I finally gave in and decided to let her get it cut before school starts. Since our regular hairdresser is away for the summer (you know who you are Hayley!) we asked Nana to cut it for her.
Look how long it was!
I know it isn't short by any means but it seems short to me. I am used to brushing hair that goes down almost to her waist and now it goes just past her shoulders. She wanted it to go above her shoulders but I don't think I am ready for that just yet! Let me get used to this first!
This is after we came home and I flat-ironed it.
I must admit that it is really cute!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Buck Family Camping Trip!

Every summer Nathan's family plans a week long camping trip. That is a long time to camp if you ask me, but I did it. We left Monday (Aug. 4th) and stayed in Island Park until Saturday afternoon. It was a very interesting trip. The Sunday night before we left both McKenna and Logan had fevers, but we left Monday morning anyway. Kenna's fever seemed to have gone away but Logan still had one and it steadily got worse all day Monday as we were trying to set up camp. We decided to take Logan down to Community Care in Rexburg because he also had a rash on his leg (that is a whole different story) and the rash was looking really red and inflamed and it was hot to the touch. To make a long story short, Logan had Strep Throat. He got put on an antibiotic and so did Kenna because her fever came back Monday afternoon. Well, I guess two sick kids camping isn't enough, Monday night Emilee got a fever too! We called our doctor and got her put on an anitbiotic too. So for the first couple of days camping I had three sick kids!! By Wednesday everyone felt better and the rest of the camping trip went much smoother.

Isn't Isaac wearing an appropriate shirt? His favorite thing to do was play in the dirt. And there was plenty of it for him to play in!

Kenna, Emi, Isaac, Meliah, Lucas, Carter, Kelden, Riley, and Niyah

Mandy did a treasure hunt for the kids. She had them go to each of the adults in camp and the adults gave them something to do. I had them collect firewood, Rachael had them do silly things, Nathan let them shoot his paintball gun, Grandma had them sing, Grandpa had them do things linked together so they had to work together, Steve was just plain weird, and Mandy had them do yoga and then she gave them their prize. The kids thought it was fun.

Isaac and Daddy on the pontoon boat.

As soon as we got to the campground Isaac had to go potty. The trailer wasn't unpacked yet and I didn't want him walking down to the potty all by himself so I just told him to go pee on a tree. I don't think he peed in the toilet the whole time we were there. He would just wander to a random tree, drop his shorts, and pee. He didn't care who was watching. And I don't think he ever peed on the same tree twice!

More Camping!

The Paintballers! Steve, Nathan, Grandpa, Kaleb, Rachael, Lucas, and Riley.
Kaleb FireTender! That is his Indian Name.
McKenna and Meliah on the tubes.
Logan, Lucas, and Carter. What cute boys!
Logan liked to just sit in the water and splash.

Even More Camping!

Kaleb and Adrienne
Nathan and Grandpa playing guitar around the fire. They would play while everyone sang.
Kaleb tied the kids to a tree!

Then the kids tied Kaleb up. It didn't take long for him get out of it though!

Happy Birthday Kenna!

McKenna turned 9 on July 28th! It is hard to believe that she is 9 years old already. Some days she acts like she is 15, attitude and all, and other days she cuddles up to me and wants to be held like a baby. All in all she is a really sweet girl who is kind to everyone, and I really appreciate that. She loves to help with her brothers. We love you McKenna!!!