Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back To School

It's back to school time!!
Today is the first day of school for the girls (I am typing with a huge a grin on my face!). McKenna starts the 4th grade and Emilee is now in 1st grade. That means - drum roll please - both girls are in school all day!! YAY!!
Some of you may remember my post last spring about Emi not getting ready for school in the mornings very well and having to stay home from school and sit on a chair. Well, I am happy to announce that this morning she got up before me and was ready to watch for the bus 30 minutes before she had too! It was amazing. I am not holding my breath though because I doubt that it will happen tomorrow! I live for mornings like this one. The only problem we had was Emi wanted to tie her own shoes. She learned how last night (I know she is 6 but we hadn't bought her shoes with laces until this year and it only took her 2 minutes to learn) and she is kinda slow at it and I am impatient. I was waiting to take pictures and I wanted to tie her shoes for her because she being typical Emi and taking her time. We compromised and she tied one while I tied the other!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Yay for back to school!! Your girls look super cute as always!! Miss you guys! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!