Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's Snowing!! :(

Isaac and Logan love the snow!! They must be related to their daddy because I hate (and I do mean hate!) it. I let them go out and play in it on Saturday when they saw that it was snowing. They didn't stay out very long though. Logan said it was too cold and Isaac said his hands were cold. I didn't have their snow stuff out yet, it is still somewhere in the basement, so they went out without gloves on. They had fun for about 5 minutes anyway!


Anonymous said...

if you hate snow your in the wrong state. I'll have to call you the next time we come up. We were just there last weekend, but it was complicated and fast so maybe next time, they are so adorable though! I'm glad your kids had fun, I do love the winter .. maybe you should take up snowboarding and then you'll learn to love the snow just like all the other bucks

Buck family said...

i know i am in the wrong state but oh well. i don't snowboard or ski because i hate the snow! snow is evil and cold! hehehehe! you will have come next time and i will teach you how to do the bows.