Friday, September 19, 2008

My New Hobby!

I found a site online that gives instructions on how to make hair bows. Now that is what I do when Logan is napping in the afternoons! They are so much fun to make! The only problem is my girls are starting to get to old for bows. Especially McKenna. Oh well. At least I have nieces that will wear them!

Ignore the messy hair. This pic was taken after school.

This one is my favorite one that I have made.


Anonymous said...

those are so dang cute! one of these days when I have a baby you'll have to make me some pink ones.

Kim said...

Have you been to the Ribbon Retreat in Shelley? I hear they have a lot of cute ribbon to make the hair bows. I would love to make them but Laikynne is to old too. It almost makes me want to have another baby, but I would probably end up with another boy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how did you learn to make these? Was it just from a website?

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I, too, love your bows. Do you mind sharing where you learned how to make them? I'd love to learn. We have basically no bows to play with around here and I'm too cheap to pay $10 a piece. LOL I'll keep checking back. :)

Buck family said...

I so understand Momma Miller! I won't pay that much either. I found the instructions at
It even shows you how to make the cute Korker bows. Now I just have to remember to get the dowels you need for them! By the way, I love your hair blog!
And, yes, Mindy, it was just from a website!